Wiper Care Tips

Wipers (wiper on the windshield of bulk water) becomes very important component for driving activity in the rainy season. Be a problem if the circuit components are suddenly crashed, do not move smoothly, or even did not want to move.

For the achievement of driving comfort, especially for optimal wiper function, take the time to check the circuit work, start by activating the wipers to throw water before, to observe the work of optimization of electric motors and rubber elasticity levels eraser.

Wipers work, but running slow
When you find these symptoms then convince one of the alleged damage generally damage most often occurs as follows.

Prisoners in the coil leading to the replacement of the current, filthiness experience

Immediately wipe off this section with caution. Usually a pile of dust and corrosion crust that cause gross section.

Crankshaft jammed
Faced with this problem is tantamount to obtaining conditions chancy. That is, if the crankshaft jammed due to korositas light, then the treatment can easily be done by spraying liquid 4wd. But if korositasnya been severe, it may take forcible removal and welding to restore maximal function.

Contact button jams
This can be determined by way of uniting the flow of positive and negative circuit wiring outside the contact button. If the unification of negative and positive pole causing sparks and a series of moves, then clearly the breakdown of the contact as the cause. This should be the replacement of these devices.

The electric motor is damaged
When the control circuit has been performed and found no anomaly, while the wiper remains slow motion, then the greatest suspicion must be directed to the electric motor functions. Ask for assistance workshop for repairing damage dynamo electric motor.

Wiper dies
Do not panic if found wiper die. Check the fuse functions related to the wiper circuit is first, before the suspected cause other damage.

Drop out fuses
Fuse is prepared to ward off (decide) the occurrence of short circuiting. Therefore in case of excessive load or not the maximum one working electrical circuit will make a fuse broken. After replacing, make sure that does not damage the flow of electricity.

Faulty cable connection
This can be tricked by using Taspen, screwdriver with cable and has a light. Take the flow of positive electricity which is usually represented by a red cord.

If one side does not light up while other parts have electricity (making screwdrivers lit), then the damage is usually caused because the cable is damaged or even broken.

Relationships broken gears in the wiper
Usually the wiper gear damaged after experiencing work exhaustion. Facing this problem, only one solution, replacing them with new tools.

Then, when all the above activities have been optimized and the wipers still remain sluggish or even never move, take the car to the garage with a number of explanations have been carried out emergency measures independently.

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